On First Friday, MENSK provides an alternative experience to the gallery, for both artists and the appreciating public. We rent a U-Haul truck for a day and let an artist tranform it into a unique environment for the public to experience. Theater groups, photographers, dance troupes, 2D artists, installation artists, performance artists, bands.. all are welcome and encouraged to exercise their creativity:
Download PDF application here.
Email Us for more information: EMAIL
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First Friday Truck Shows - Past Work
Portland Maine Film Festival: Blueberryland by Melissa Davenport Portland Maine Film Festival: Melissa Davenport
October 2012
Clint Fulkerson: "Painting in the Future Perfect"
June 2012
Mike Rich and Martha Fournier: "Mandala"
November 2011
Marques Bostic: "Our Digital Landscape"
June 2011
Mariah Bergeron:
May 2011
Amy Jorgensen: "The Heart Compartment"
March 2011
Sean OBrien:
February 2011
MENSK Collaboration: "The Memory Walk"
November 2010